Respect Your Employees and Simplify the Digital Workplace

This posting from Gerry McGovern is a must-read. It brings light to two major trends we need to address: Respect your employees and make software much easier to use!

Why are so many employee systems so awful? Why is enterprise search a joke in most organizations? Why is it so hard to sign up for a training course, book a meeting room, or get the most up-to-date product details?

Because management doesn’t care about employee time. If they can’t get their work done in 40 hours, then let them stay 50, 60, 70 hours is the thinking. We must change that thinking because it is ruinous to everyone’s long term success.

… The public Web, according to Jensen, is shining a big, glaring torchlight on internal systems. …

If you work with an intranet you must make simplicity your number one priority. Without simplicity the digital workplace is a digital quagmire, a digital dump, a digital propaganda rag. …

Employees are not looking for miracles. They just want to find stuff quickly. They want to be able to trust that what they find is accurate and up-to-date. They want to be able to do stuff as quickly and easily as possible.

via Simplicity Must Be the Mantra of the Digital Workplace.

Related Reads:

My German language article addressing the challenge:



Eine Antwort zu „Respect Your Employees and Simplify the Digital Workplace”.

  1. […] Respekt ist für mich eine dieser Kardinaltugenden. Respektiere die oder den Anderen und tue ihnen nichts an, was Dir nicht angetan werden soll. Na ja, nicht immer richtig, denn natürlich müssen Chefs auch Entscheidungen treffen, die hart sein können, aber ich denke schon, sie können mit einem gewissen Respekt, Feingefühl und Takt umgesetzt werden. Ein respektvoller Umgang scheint mir jedoch immer mehr verloren zu gehen. Die Mitarbeiter oder der Mitarbeiter müssen funktionieren, koste es, was es wolle an Nerven und Arbeits- und Lebenszeit. […]


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