Digitale Transformation braucht Online Communities – und Community Manager

Ich könnte Dion Hinchcliffe nicht mehr zustimmen: Online Communities sind ein hervorragendes Werkzeug, um Digitalisierung und digitale Transformation voranzutreiben. Interne und externe „Stakeholder“ können eingebunden werden. Wenn konsequent mit der Community gearbeitet wird, entsteht quasi automatisch eine transparente Wissensdatenbank. Transparenz, Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit sind für mich Eckpfeiler, um digitalen Wandel voran zu bringen.

Diese Infografik visualisiert, welche Komponenten und Aspekte einfliessen können:

Dion fasst auch seine Erfahrungen darüber zusammen, was benötigt wird, um den digitalen Wandel voranzutreiben. Vor allem braucht es meiner Meinung Community Manager – von Dion Facilitation genannt – , die Diskussionen am Leben halten, kanalisieren und leiten, Kollegen und Kollegen unter die Arme greifen. Fähigkeiten eines Community Managers, die auch einem CEO (und CIO) gut zu Gesichte stehen.

Early lessons in using online community for digital change

While the methods and approach we are using to connect together change agents in a community to organize around and realize strategic change are very much still emerging, I can say from experience now that the following is generally required:

A community platform. This is a digital forum within which digital change agents will collaborate on and effect change, formulating plans, making joint decisions, and carrying out their efforts, often in very self-organized ways.

Facilitation. This is by applying what industry colleagues like Rich Millington refer to as strategic community management, actively facilitating the change process, ensuring those who get stuck get the help they need, and empowering, educating, and orchestrating many points of top-down and bottom-up change across the community, and therefore across the organization.

Learning. The community as a whole becomes a massive learning repository, a sort of self-documenting and emergent MOOC for digital transformation adapted to the organization, with lessons learned and best practices culled by facilitators and spread to change agents.

Empowerment. A community of transformation spreads knowledge, resources, know-how, and collective energy, enabled by sponsorship, capabilities, staff, and a mandate from the highest levels of the organization.

Communications. With rapid change comes an absolute requirement for transparency and clear, open communication. These traits are the natural attributes of an online community, as everyone can see what’s happening and why. As I cited above, this is the top factor for successful transformation.

Co-creation. The strongest, swiftest change happens is when there is alignment locally and globally on what needs to be done. Then everyone comes together to put together their ideas and resources to drive digital change.

Source: Using Online Community for Digital Transformation | On Digital Strategy | Dion Hinchcliffe

(Dieser Beitrag ist zuerst auf CXOKurator erschienen.)


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