Social Media is Dead. | Social Media Today

It’s clear to me that the manner in which we aggregate and disseminate information as a culture has definitively changed. Social media is dead because EVERYTHING is social media.

Social media is dead because everything is social media now. We’re surrounded by social media every day in every way. Either proactively engage in this phenomenon – or become obsolete. You’ve been warned.

via Social Media is Dead. | Social Media Today.

So true!




2 Antworten zu „Social Media is Dead. | Social Media Today”.

  1. Gibt es schon eine neue Sau, die wir wieder durch das Dorf treiben werden?
    What is the correct translation for this German Sprichwort?


  2. I believe you can say…, one has to make a big fuss again every year, … or … there is always another new bandwagon


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