2013 #SocBiz Prediction: „Web Experience Management is Becoming the New ERP“

And another prediction for 2013, this time from Douglas Heise,  Product Marketing Director at CoreMedia:

Web Experience Management is Becoming the New ERP

In the traditional enterprise software world, people use enterprise resource planning (ERP) tools to integrate and optimize the flow of business data across and between organizations. Now, with the Web becoming a primary platform for business, WCM has an opportunity to play a similar role for a new generation of online businesses.

In order to fulfill this role, however, Web CMSs will need to do a much better job of integrating with backend data systems and other consumer facing tools, including marketing automation, lead generation, social communities and analytics. Business users are forced to deal with an ever-growing array of separate tools for managing online experiences. Now is the time to unite these tools under a common WCM infrastructure.

via 2013 Web Content Management Trends: The Post PC World is Here.


2 Antworten zu „2013 #SocBiz Prediction: „Web Experience Management is Becoming the New ERP“”.

  1. Will this lead to making more decision in the corporate´s periphery as well.


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