Suchergebnisse für: „collaboration“

  • Studie: 6 von 10 Firmen wollen mit Social Collaboration Unternehmenskultur verbessern

    Studie: 6 von 10 Firmen wollen mit Social Collaboration Unternehmenskultur verbessern

    Mal wieder ein interessanter Beitrag in Michael Kroker’s Look @ IT. Er zitiert die zentralen Ergebnisse der Deutschen Social Collaboration Studie 2017, die das Fachgebiet Wirtschaftsinformatik der Technischen Universität Darmstadt und die Unternehmensberatung Campana & Schott: Auf dem zweiten Platz der wichtigsten Ziele rangiert für mehr als die Hälfte aller Unternehmen das Streben nach höherer Innovativität der Mitarbeiter.…

  • Digital Transformation: The most effective digital workplace is one where collaboration and sharing are the norms

    Digital Transformation: The most effective digital workplace is one where collaboration and sharing are the norms

    Great posting and great statements to quote on Digital Transformation and the different aspects to consider. I start with my favorite topic Collaboration: Collaborative relationships will multiply and intensify digital transformation: Hyperconnectivity is one of the great characteristics of digital transformation. Organizations and their people learn through their interactions with the environment. It is the…

  • Collaboration: Avoiding Data Breaches versus Sharing and Communication

    Collaboration: Avoiding Data Breaches versus Sharing and Communication

    According to the Ponemon Institute, 23 percent of breaches are caused internally, by accident or by malicious intent. … What about email attachments? Osterman Research noted (pdf) that 95 percent of all business emails sent have attachments. Have they been vetted for security and confidential information? Doubtful. A Breach Is a Breach Is a Breach End users…

  • Why Social Collaboration fails: Old Habits and Persistence, Command and Control

    Why Social Collaboration fails: Old Habits and Persistence, Command and Control

    The obvious question is: Why the corporate social network lacks the participation and lively zest found in consumer social media systems? And what can be done about it? Source: Learning from HBR: Making corporate social network collaboration successful – Work Monkey Labs Interesting thoughts on the lack of adoption of Collaboration software and Enterprise Social…

  • The real Collaboration Challenge: Get your Employees interested. And give them a Hand … After all

    The real Collaboration Challenge: Get your Employees interested. And give them a Hand … After all

    Great article by Paul Rubens on Computerworld Malaysia with a lot of truth: The real challenge is to get your employees adopting your solution (whatever it is): „G2 Crowd found that only four platforms could regularly boast adoption rates above 75 percent, and no product achieved 100 percent adoption.“ Companies are going to invest in…

  • Communication & Collaboration: Generational Preferences at Work

    Communication & Collaboration: Generational Preferences at Work

    I think the distinction in the different generations from Baby Boomers up to Generation Z is very often to stereotype. Baby boomers can behave like Millenials and vice versa. Nevertheless I found this graphic from Avanade quite useful illustrating the different working and communication styles: And these quotes fit perfect into the picture. The Most…