Schlagwort: CustomerExperience

  • IBM developerWorks: Empower your Customers to help themselves

    Believe it or not: People like to help each other. People like to show their expertise. Give them the environment to do so and it can save you time and money. Take IBM developerWorks as an example of a vital network, of an outstanding Customer Self Service community powered by social – and the people:…

  • Good Customer Experience starts from the Inside – CMSwire

    Great posting! Good Customer Experience starts from the inside, from the enterprise and empowered employees: The millennial era has introduced massive technology change driven by the advent of mobility, social networking, cloud computing and big data, forcing companies to abandon Business As Usual (BAU) thinking. Companies need to re-think their business growth strategy, how they…

  • The Evolution of a (Social) Website | Social Media Today

    Be social. Engage on Facebook, tweet regularly, connect on LinkedIn and maintain your blog. But never neglect your home base. Your company’s website is the hub and the rest are the spokes. All parts are necessary to create a well-rounded brand experience. Don’t focus solely on the spokes and neglect the hub, making it outdated…

  • The 2nd Generation of Social is Here | Social Media Today

    In the second generation of social, companies are beginning to understand that they need to go beyond building audiences and merely responding to customers with canned responses. They must leverage the insights they’ve gained into their fans and followers in order to proactively build relationships with them wherever they are (social networks, mobile, company websites,…

  • Verloren in der Hotline-Schleife: Wann werden Firmen zu Fans ihrer Kunden? | Ich sag mal

    Ich lasse mich von den Anbietern allerdings nicht mehr in die Anonymität von Hotline-Banalitäten abdrängen, sondern verlange einen Diskurs in sozialen Netzwerken. Im klassischen Kundenservice laufen die „Dialoge“ über E-Mail, Brief und Telefon unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit. Textbausteine und Skript prägen den Alltag der Servicemitarbeiter. Laufen Anfragen und Beschwerden im Licht der Netzöffentlichkeit, helfen Sprachregelungen,…

  • The CMO is dead – long live the chief customer officer! (

    CMOs are increasingly powerless and peripheral. The CEO sets the overall strategy, the R&D and innovation teams design the product, and the CFO determines pricing and departmental budgets. The CMO, meanwhile, reports to a chief executive who often has only partial knowledge of the customer. … The CMO position is dead for several reasons: Most…