Schlagwort: Enterprise20

  • Life beyond e-mail? On the way to the "Corporate Facebook"

    My colleague Luis Suarez posited life beyond the e-mail inbox and was even featured in the New York Times with this story. Gartner predicts that social networking services will have replaced e-mail as the primary interpersonal communication tool for 20% of business users by 2014. As reported here at, 90% of all CIOs want…

  • Time for social business – beyond the confines of existing definitions

    Social business or Enterprise 2.0 – or a different term altogether? Which term best covers the conglomeration of social media, non-commercial Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0? The developments of the past few years demand a new term, a new category. The terms we have so far only cover certain aspects of this new world. In…

  • Social Business – E2.0! What is a Social Business? « Social Media to Social Business

    A Social Business is a business that embeds “social” in all of its processes, connecting people to people, people to information, and data to insight. It is a company that engages its employees and clients in a two way dialogue with social tools, is transparent in sharing its expertise beyond its four walls, and is…

  • Upgrade enterprise processes and information flow « Dachis Group Collaboratory

    When we work with enterprise clients we frequently see how email is the de facto medium for many processes, both formal and informal. It is illuminating to dig a bit deeper and expose the costs that email imposes on the organization for each process, and that helps build the business case for a Social Business…

  • Low productivity: Social networks or irresponsible employees? | ZDNet

    If I can’t have Facebook open (when I’m not doing work on it) or a Twitter client used for my personal account running while I’m working on something else because it’s distracting, I need to close them. End of story. If I’m in a meeting and my iPhone is blowing up with social media notifications…

  • Continental: Social Web für den unternehmensinternen Einsatz –

    Conti-CIO Brunken sieht die Rolle der IT als „integrierender Koordinator“, nicht nur für Social-Media-Initiativen. Aufgabe der IT bei Continental sei es, durch Technologie die Standardisierung des Rahmenwerks über die Business-Units und Divisionen hinweg zu leisten. „Ohne diese Plattform sind sie global nicht netzwerkfähig.“ Das Continental-Management wählte hier den Vergleich mit den mittelalterlichen Geschlechtertürmen in Norditalien,…